
固安县职教中心,学历层次:职业学校学校性质:公立学校专业:院校地址:河北  学校简介  学校与固安县知名民营企业九鼎集团联合办学,资金实力强大。校园占地面积23

  • 学历层次:职业学校
  • 学校性质:公立
  • 学校专业:
  • 院校地址:河北



  学校师资雄厚,结构合理,拥有40多名教学能手、骨干教师,部分专业长期聘任高校教授为兼职教师,保证了高质量教育教学工作的顺利开展。职教中心校长冯英杰从事职业学校管理多年,经验丰富,有胆有识,得到各级领导和社会各界的高度认可,曾先后获得\”河北省中等职业教育优秀校长\” 、\”河北省骨干校长\”、 \”全国杰出校长\”、\”西部教育顾问\”等荣誉称号。在冯校长的带领下,学校打造出一支爱岗乐群、勤奋敬业的领导班子。机关行政、招生就业、教育教学各岗位职责明确,分工合理,实现了整体工作的无缝隙管理。







介绍固安职中 英语作文

Gu\’ an vocational secondary school was established in 1958, located in Liu Quan town, gu\’ an county, on the west side of national highway 106. it is a provincial key vocational school with rich historical accumulation and outstanding achievements in running schools.

Gu\’ an vocational secondary school was established in 1958, located in Liu Quan town, gu\’ an county, on the west side of national highway 106. it is a provincial key vocational school with rich historical accumulation and outstanding achievements in running schools.

Since it was named gu\’ an county vocational secondary school in 1983, it has received dozens of honors including \” national famous vocational education schools\”, \” advanced vocational education units in Hebei province\” and \” green schools in Hebei province\”.

At the beginning of the school, there were only 24 faculty members in the school, including forestry, fruit and animal husbandry. At present, the school\’s major has developed into eight major areas: preschool education, computer, auto mechanics, animal husbandry and veterinary, agriculture and forestry, sound, body and beauty, secretarial work, and foreign affairs service. The school covers an area of 85 mu with a building area of more than 15,600 square meters. the teaching facilities in the training building are complete, with electronic piano rooms, dance classrooms, micro-computer rooms, welding laboratories, etc.

Entering the 21st century, the vocational school of gu\’ an will continue to carry forward the fine tradition of unity, hard work, and dedication. it will take teaching as its center, take employment as its guide, expand the employment market, adhere to the policy of managing schools according to law and strictly managing education, continuously strengthen legal education, thanksgiving education, employment and entrepreneurship education for students, guide students to learn to be human, learn to learn to know, learn to appreciate beauty, learn to compete, and actively create \” cultural vocational school\” to comprehensively enhance students\’ cultural taste. the vocational school motto of \” Xiu De, understanding, erudition, and multi – thinking\” will continue to sublimate.

The current vocational secondary school in gu\’ an county has become a banner of vocational education in gu\’ an. under the leadership of the party branch secretary and principal cheng Yao of the school, the vocational secondary school personnel will seize the opportunity to continuously pursue progress, take advantage of the east wind of vocational education reform, firmly and sincerely carry out education, conscientiously cultivate talents, sprint to the national key point, and create a new emperor of various undertakings in the school.


固安县职业中学创建于1958年,坐落于固安县柳泉镇,位于106国道西侧,是一所历史积淀丰厚,办学成绩卓著的省级重点职业学校。自1983年命名为固安县职业中学以来,先后荣获“全国职业教育名校”、 “河北省职业教育先进单位”、 “河北省绿色学校”等几十项荣誉。






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